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A variety of comprehension questions based on this article.
A selection of more detailed questions to show your understanding.
A range of learning activities to complete once you have finished reading this article.Â
1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
2. What was the key event from the news article?
3. Where did this event take place?
4. When did this event take place?
5. Leave a comment below about your thoughts on this article.Â
1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?
2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.
3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.
4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future.
5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.
Current Events Web
Find the Who, What, Where, When, How and Why in the article to complete this worksheet.
I Think Because
Share what you think about the article and explain why.
My Questions
Write a question map about questions that you have after reading the article.
News Review
Give the news article you have read a review
Write what you KNOW about the topic in the article, what you would LIKE to find out and then what you have LEARNT.
Newspaper Bingo
Play newspaper bingo. Find a number of different articles to complete the grid.
Questions and Answers
Write a set of questions and then their answers after reading the article.
The Big Idea
Find the big idea by highlighting the 5 W’s and 1 H. then select 25 of key words associated with the article.
Word Investigation
Vocabulary exercise where students find key words within the article.
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AMAZING!!!! Love this artical just the right amount of info for the questions at the end
This very interesting and I think lots more people would try to follow in his foot steps.
very interesting
very intresting story about very iconic man that everyone will know when you hear his name!
Great work on this article it was intriguing to read about we enjoyed it a lot and we learnt a lot about his life and what he did in his life-span.
Ernest rutherford Is such a trailblazer
I have to do this comment for my assignment but is was a very interesting article
I really liked this article because I didint know who sir ernest Rutherford was until know and know I can tell people about him.
Love the article and learnt something new.
I think this article was interesting to read about and i don´t normally read these types of articles but i liked this one.
I think this article was good to know how he started his journey towards becoming who he is today.
It is cool and it was him who made the word Eureka.
very interesting, I liked it
w artical this was fire!!!!!
Very nice..
Very nice..
it’s cool that he won a noble prize in chemistry.
(I didn’t know what to put here)
I really liked this article, it was really interesting.
It was fab! love all of facts at the end amazing 7/10 I don’t like reading
GREAT! At the end the splurge of info really helped me with the questions!
This article is very cool and interesting! Not something I would usually read but it’s cool learning about all his scientific discoveries!
I did not know who he was until now.
I like this article becouse i learnt somthing new
pretty cool story! Keep up the good work!
Its Great! I enjoy history and totally think more people should know more about him!
this is really intresting from reading this
this article was pretty interesting and I would recommend reading it.
how old was Rutherford when he died? Thanks for writing this article.
Thanks for the FACTS! I hadn’t known about him since now. Thanks
This is a very interesting article about Sir Ernest Rutherford, and it had lots of info I loved it
It was very intresting it told facts and it talked about sir ernest rutherford’s life
Fascinating and interesting.
This was very interesting and fun to read about!
what up brother Tuesday Tuesday special team special plays special players
very interesting article! i actually went to his workplace/old university in the Arts Centre very recently.
cool! Thats very intresting to know =)
I love how this is a great way for people to get the basics of Ernest’s life. i love it when there’s articles like this to teach people about the people who made history