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Our Team

Shem Banbury
Hi, my name is Shem, and I am the founder and Editor of Kiwi Kids News. My role is to make sure the website is ticking over nicely. During the day I work as a Deputy Principal at Mount Maunganui Intermediate. By night I am a triathlon wannabe who enjoys long-distance triathlons.

Rachel Banbury
Hi, my name is Rachel. I am married to Shem.  We have three school aged kids. I love running, going to the gym and crafts. I look after the student articles, odd stuff, kids vids and the finances of Kiwi Kids News.

Eli Banbury
Hi, my name is Asa Banbury. I look after the comments on the Kiwi Kids News website.

Hannah Skelton
Hi, my name is Hannah. I am a lawyer and loves writing Kiwi Kids News articles in my spare time.

Canine couture took center stage at the AKC’s Museum of...
Scientists in the USA have created an amazing new chip...
Popular dessert brand 16 Handles has just revealed a new...