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Worldwide search for famous guitar

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A worldwide search has been launched to locate one of the most iconic instruments in music history: Paul McCartney’s original Höfner bass guitar.

Dubbed “The Lost Bass Project,” this initiative is appealing for information regarding what is considered “the most important bass in history.”

Paul McCartney purchased the instrument for £30 in Hamburg, Germany, in 1961, and it played a prominent role in The Beatles’ music during those years, contributing to hits like “Love Me Do” and “She Loves You.”

Nick Wass, who leads the Höfner search project, has partnered with two journalists to tackle what they describe as “the greatest mystery in the history of rock and roll.” Wass, who has worked extensively with McCartney and authored a book about the missing Höfner 500/1 Violin Bass, revealed that the campaign to find it started after McCartney inquired about the guitar during a recent conversation.

The fate of the instrument remains unclear, as it seemingly disappeared after The Beatles finished filming “Get Back” in 1969.

The search for McCartney’s lost Höfner bass guitar is now a global effort, with music enthusiasts and Beatles fans worldwide eager to uncover this piece of rock and roll history.

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