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Youthline helpline now available 24/7

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The Youthline helpline is now available 24/7. The helpline is a free, confidential service that supports young people in New Zealand.

The helpline was previously only available overnight to those in crisis. However, thanks to new funding from ASB, the helpline is now available to all young people, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Youthline CEO Shae Ronald said the new service was “absolutely incredible” and a “breakthrough” for the organisation. She said that young people can now contact the helpline with any issue, “big or small”.

The helpline has already made a significant impact since it was launched two months ago. In that time, the helpline has supported more than 400 young people, 20 per cent of whom were experiencing suicide risk, 10 per cent of whom were self-harming, and 5 per cent of whom were at risk of abuse.

Ronald said that research showed that night time was typically harder for young people. This is because they often ruminate and have negative thoughts at night. She also said that young people can struggle to disengage from social media at night, which can have a negative impact on their mental health.

To get in touch with Youthline’s free, confidential, 24/7 service:

Call 0800 37 66 33
Text 234
Chat via Webchat

Here are some tips for young people who are struggling:

Talk to someone you trust, such as a parent, teacher, friend, or counselor.
Call the Youthline helpline on 0800 37 66 33.
Text 234.
Chat via Webchat.
Visit the Youthline website for more information and resources.
Remember, you are not alone. There are people who care about you and want to help.

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