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TikTok to be banned in New Zealand

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In a surprise move, the New Zealand government has announced that TikTok, the popular social media app, will be banned in the country effective immediately.

The decision was made after concerns were raised about the app’s security and privacy features, with fears that user data may be shared with foreign governments.

As a result of the ban, users in New Zealand will no longer be able to access TikTok, and those who have already downloaded the app will be asked to delete it from their devices.

The news has come as a shock to many young people in the country, who have used TikTok as a way to connect with friends and express themselves creatively.

Social media influencers have also expressed their disappointment, with many stating that TikTok has been a key platform for them to build their following and share their content.

In response to the ban, TikTok has released a statement saying that they are “deeply disappointed” by the decision, and that they will be working to address the concerns raised by the New Zealand government.

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