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Record heatwave hits Europe

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An intense heatwave is sweeping across Europe, with record-breaking temperatures and red alert warnings issued in several countries.

Parts of Spain, France, Greece, Croatia, and Turkey are expected to experience temperatures surpassing 40°C (104°F). Italy, in particular, is bracing for scorching temperatures that could reach as high as 48.8°C (119.8°F), matching the hottest temperature ever recorded in Europe.
The extreme conditions have already claimed a life, with a 44-year-old man reported to have died in Italy due to the heat.

The heatwave is attributed to global warming, as rising average temperatures worldwide contribute to more frequent, intense, and prolonged heatwaves.

Italian politician Nicola Fratoianni described the situation as “unbearable” and emphasized the importance of avoiding sun exposure during peak hours. Authorities are advising people to drink at least two liters of water per day to stay hydrated amidst the extreme heat.

The severity of the heatwave has prompted red alert warnings and increased precautions throughout the affected regions.

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