One of the world’s most active volcanoes, Kilauea in Hawaii, has erupted again, sending fountains of lava into the air.
The eruption, which took place in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, lasted less than 24 hours before stopping. This marks the seventh eruption since the volcano first became active again just before Christmas.
Kilauea erupts when hot magma from beneath the Earth’s surface rises and bursts through openings in the ground. In this recent event, lava fountains shot 30 to 40 meters high, creating a spectacular sight. Rocks and volcanic debris, called tephra, also fell, and scientists collected samples to study.
Hawaii is home to several volcanoes, as it sits on a volcanic hotspot in the Pacific Ocean. The eruptions at Kilauea have been unpredictable, sometimes lasting only 13 hours and at other times continuing for over a week. This latest eruption ended suddenly after about 16 hours.
The eruptions are currently not a danger to homes or businesses, but certain areas of the national park are closed to keep visitors safe. Scientists continue to monitor the volcano closely, as pauses between eruptions have varied from one to twelve days. Experts at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory noted how quickly the eruption ended, with one geologist commenting, “That was fast!”
Super volcano!