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Invercargill’s fight over a rooster

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A dispute has arisen over a noisy rooster in Invercargill, with its fate being determined by a council committee.

Alisa Cole, a shop owner in Georgetown, received an email from the council informing her that a neighbour had complained about her rooster making excessive noise. However, Cole argues that it’s a case of mistaken identity.

The accused rooster, known as ‘Kevin’s Brother,’ is kept in a box inside a shed at night, which significantly reduces its crowing.0

Cole has communicated with other neighbours about the rooster, but not with the complaining neighbour. She wants to keep the rooster as a guardian for her hens and to maintain a flock without incurring high costs.

The council has conducted investigations and prepared a report on the matter, but communication with Cole has been limited, leaving the rooster’s fate uncertain.

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