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Former world’s oldest dog stripped of title

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In a surprising turn of events, Bobi, who was once celebrated as the world’s oldest dog, has had his title removed.

The Guinness World Records (GWR) organization explained that they couldn’t find enough proof to confirm Bobi’s claimed age. Bobi, a Rafeiro do Alentejo breed from Conqueiros, Portugal, was said to be 30 years old when he received the title last year, which is quite extraordinary since dogs of his breed usually live about 12 to 14 years.

Sadly, Bobi passed away in October 2023, when he was reportedly 31 years and 165 days old.

The issue arose when GWR started looking into Bobi’s age more closely last month, due to some doubts about the evidence provided, particularly the microchip used to verify his age. GWR stated that this microchip wasn’t enough to keep Bobi’s record standing. As of now, they haven’t decided who the new record holder should be.

Bobi’s owner, Leonel Costa, hasn’t made any statements regarding the loss of the title.

However, he had previously mentioned that doubts about Bobi’s age were baseless. Interestingly, a vet named Danny Chambers shared with the Guardian newspaper that none of his veterinary colleagues believed a dog could reach 31 years of age.

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