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54,000 potholes fixed in 2022

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Waka Kotahi, an agency responsible for managing the state highway network, has fixed a whopping 54,000 potholes on our roads in 2022. That’s a lot of potholes!

But even with so many potholes fixed, the AA Road Safety Spokesperson, Dylan Thompson, says that potholes are still the number one problem for drivers.

Thompson said that simply filling in potholes is not enough. He says that we need to invest more in our roads to prevent potholes from forming in the first place. This means doing maintenance work to stop potholes from getting bigger and more widespread.

So why is this so important? Well, potholes can be dangerous for drivers. They can cause flat tires, damage to our cars, and even accidents. By investing in our roads, we can make them safer for everyone who uses them.

The AA is calling on the government to invest more money in our roads. This means doing preventative maintenance, fixing potholes, and making sure our roads are safe for all drivers.

So, next time you’re on the road and you see a pothole, remember that there are people working hard to make our roads better and safer. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll be driving on a road that’s completely free of potholes!

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