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Te Whakanui i a Matariki i Hōrana

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Ahakoa tonu kua whakanuia e tātou a Matariki hei hararei ā-motu mō tētahi tau kotahi, kua whai whakaaro hoki te iwi o Hōrana ki te whakamānawa i a Matariki hei te 24 me te 25 o Hune, 2023.

Ka tū te taiopenga nei ki te tāone o Leiden, he tāone kei waenganui i a Amsterdam me Hague. Kei whea mai te pai o ngā taonga Māori kei te whare taonga o Volkenkunde, pērā i te waka taua e kīia nei ko Te Hono ki Aotearoa. He mea tārai Te Hono ki Aotearoa e Tā Hekenukumai Busby, tētahi toki whakairo, i te tau 2010.

He maha ngā kaupapa ngahau kua whakaritea i ngā rangi e rua, ā, he rite ki ngā kaupapa ka tū ki Aotearoa. Hei te rangi tuatahi ka tākaro kēmu ngā whānau, ka whiri poi, ka ako waiata anō hoki. Hei te rangi tuarua ka kaha ake te aro ki te kaupapa e pā ana ki te waka me te wānanga i ngā hononga i waenganui i a Aotearoa me Hōrana.

E tīno hīkaka ana te hunga Tatimana ki te taiopenga me te whakawhitinga waka. Ka whakamiha rātou i te ātaahua me te hiranga ā-ahurea o Te Hono ki Aotearoa.

He wā tēnei e kotahi ai te iwi, e whakamiha ai hoki rātou i te ahurea Māori. Ka awhe atu tētahi kāhui nō Aotearoa ki te taiopenga, e haere ana hoki te kaihautū o te waka rongonui o Ngātokimatawhaorua me ētahi atu rangatira.



Matariki Celebration in the Netherlands
Even though we’ve only celebrated Matariki as a national holiday in Aotearoa for one year, the Netherlands are joining Aotearoa in celebration of Matariki on the 24th and 25th of June, 2023.

The festival will take place in a city called Leiden, which is located between Amsterdam and The Hague. The Museum Volkenkunde, have an awesome collection of taonga Māori including the waka taua, Te Hono ki Aotearoa. Te Hono ki Aotearoa was built by the late Sir Hekenukumai Busby, a skilled carver, in 2010.

During the two-day event, there will be lots of fun activities for everyone typical of what will happen in Aotearoa. On the first day, families can enjoy games, make poi, and learn waiata. The second day will focus more on the waka project, with discussions about the connection between New Zealand and the Netherlands.

The Dutch people are very excited about the festival and the waka exchange. They appreciate the beauty and cultural significance of Te Hono ki Aotearoa.

It’s a time for people to come together and appreciate Māori culture. A Māori delegation from New Zealand will travel to the festival, including the kaihautū (captain) of the famous waka Ngātokimatawhaorua and other respected leaders.

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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