Te Tauhere i ngā Ahurea mā te Hākinakina

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Nō roto i ngā tau 40 o te whakatuwheratanga o te karapu waka ama tuatahi, kua nui te pikitanga ake o ngā kaihoe, ā, kua 3,500 hemihemi ināianei. Ko te mōhio haere ki te ahurea, ko te āheitanga me te wāteatanga ki te katoa ētahi o ngā take e ngākaunui ana ngā rangatahi Māori ki te waka ama.

Ka whai te waka ama i ngā tikanga nō mai rā anō e tūhono ana i a tātou ki ō tātou tīpuna kōkōrangi. He rēhia tēnei e tūhono ai tātou ki ō tātou whānau, ki ō tātou hapori, me tō tātou ahurea. Kua whiria te reo me ngā tikanga Māori ki roto i ngā āhuatanga katoa o te waka ama mā tēnei e taea ai e te Māori te tūhura tōna tuakiri me te whai i ana tikanga i tētahi wāhi haumaru. Ko te tauhere ki te ahurea Māori tētahi o ngā āhuatanga matua e tōtō ana i ngā rangatahi Māori ki te waka ama.

Ko tētahi atu take e rata nei ngā rangatahi ki te waka ama ko te māmā o te uru atu. Mā ngā karapu me ngā kura ngā waka e whakarite kia wātea ai ngā rangatahi ki te hoe, kia kore ai rātou e pēhia e ngā utu nui pērā i ētahi atu hākinakina.
Ko te wāteatanga ki te katoa tētahi atu hua o te waka ama. Ka kīia ko te waka ama te tino hākinakina ā-tīma nā te mea ka whai hoe te tangata ahakoa tōna rahi, ahakoa tōna pakari, ahakoa tāne, ahakoa wāhine rānei, koia nei tētahi āhuatanga matua ki ō tātou wāhine.

E 85 hemihemi ngā karapu i Aotearoa, e 125 hemihemi ngā kura e whai wāhi ana ki te waka ama, nō reira koia nei tētahi huarahi hei ārahi i te rangatahi Māori kia tūhono atu ki tōna ahurea, waihoki, ki te manaaki anō i tōna hauora. Mehemea ko koe tētahi kāore anō kia whai wāhi atu ki te waka ama, tīkina te hoe!

Ehara i te tī!



Connecting cultures through sport 

Within 40 years of the first waka ama club being opened, waka ama has gained over 3,500 participants. Connection to culture, ease of access and being inclusive have been among the reasons why rangatahi Māori love waka ama.

Steeped in traditions that link Māori to our star navigating tīpuna, waka ama is a sport that connects us to our whānau, our communities and our culture. Te reo and tikanga Māori are deeply embedded within all aspects of waka ama allowing Māori to explore their identity and practice their culture within a safe space. Connection to culture is an important factor that keeps rangatahi Māori participating in waka ama.

Another factor that makes waka ama attractive to rangatahi is how easy it is to participate. Clubs and schools provide waka which allow rangatahi to participate without the high fees that are often associated with other sports.

Inclusivity is also a benefit of waka ama. Described as a true team sport, waka ama encourages participants of all sizes, physicality and gender to have a go which is an important aspect to our wāhine.

With over 85 clubs and over 125 participating kura in Aotearoa, waka ama is a way for rangatahi Māori to connect to their culture whilst promoting hauora. If you are not yet participating in waka ama, get out there!

You only live once! YOLO

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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