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Te Papa Tongarewa – He Waka Huia

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I whakatuwherahia te whare taonga o Te Papa Tongarewa, te whare taonga nui rawa atu o Aotearoa, i te 14 o Huitanguru, i te tau 1988, ki Te Whanganui-a-Tara.

Kua whakaaro rānei koe ki te tikanga o te ingoa o te whare taonga nei?
He kupu te ‘tongarewa’ mō te taonga. Ko te tikanga o ‘Te Papa Tongarewa’, ko tētahi waka huia e tiaki ana i ngā taonga.
Ka whā tau te roa o te hanga i te whare nei, e ono ōna papa, e 36,000 mita pūrua te rahi o te papa hīkoikoi. He rite tōna rahi ki ngā papa whutupōro e toru! Mēnā ka rū te whenua, kaua e māharahara, ka tū toka a Te Papa. Ka pēnei tana tū nā te mea kua whakapakaritia ōna pakitara me tōna papa ki te maitai!

E rima ngā kohinga motuhake o te whare taonga nei: ko te Toi, ko te Hītori, ko ngā taonga Māori, ko te Ahurea Pasifika, me te Hītori o te Ao Tūroa.

Ko ētahi o ngā whakaaturanga ka whakaaturia i Te Papa e hāngai pū ana ki a koutou ngā tamariki. Nō reira, mēnā koutou ko tō whānau ka haere ki Te Whanganui-a-Tara me tae atu ki Te Papa Tongarewa.
He taonga tuku iho.


Te Papa Tongarewa, Aotearoa’s largest museum, opened it’s doors on 14th February 1988 in Wellington.

Have you ever wondered what the name for our national museum means? ‘Te Papa Tongarewa’ literally translates to ‘container of treasures’ and more specifically ‘our container of treasured things and people that spring from mother earth here in New Zealand’.

It took four years to build, houses 6 floors of treasures, has 36,000 square metres of public floor space which is about the size of three rugby fields, is earthquake proofed and has enough reinforcing steel to stretch from Wellington to Sydney!

They have five major collection areas, Art, History, Taonga Māori, Pacific Cultures and Natural History. Te Papa plays a really important role in helping the government return our tūpuna kōiwi and kōimi from overseas. This programme is called ‘Karanga Aotearoa’ and a team of experts support this important processs. The name given to this process where ancestor remains and bones are returned is called ‘repatriation’, returning someone back to their original home.

Te Papa Tongarewa is a legacy for Aotearoa.

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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