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Ngā Tohu Reo Māori

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Kua rongo rānei koe mō Ngā Tohu Reo Māori? He hui motuhake tēnei e whakanui nei i ngā tutukitanga me ngā kaupapa mahi a te hunga e whakatairanga ana, e manaaki ana i te reo Māori. Kua rua tekau tau ēnei tohu e whakahaerehia ana, ā, ko ngā tohu tuatahi i whakatūria rā e Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori i te tau 2003. Ka tū Ngā Tohu Reo Māori i ia rua tau, ka mutu, kua hau ōna rongo puta noa i te hapori Māori.

Ka whakarangatira Ngā Tohu Reo Māori i ngā tāngata nō ngā hau e whā, ā, ka whakanui hoki ngā tohu nei i ngā whakahekenga werawera me te ngākau titikaha o ērā e hāpai ana i te whakarauoratanga o te reo Māori, tae rā anō ki ngā kaiako, ki ngā kaipāho, ki ngā ringapuoro, me te huhua kē noa atu. Arā ngā momo tohu rerekē, pērā i Te Tohu Oranga Angitu me Te Tohu mō Te Wiki o te Reo Māori.

I tū ngā tohu whakamutunga i te tau 2022, ka mutu, i whakanuia ngā tau e 50 nō te tāpaetanga o te petihana reo Māori ki pāremata e Hana Te Hemara i te tau 1972. Nā konā i whakawhiwhia ai a Ngā Tamatoa, te reo irirangi ā-iwi tuatahi, me te kōhanga reo tuatahi ki ētahi tohu.

Kei te pai noa iho te whakaingoa i tētahi tangata, ahakoa ko wai ia, nā wai rānei ia i tautapa. Nō reira, whakaarotia ngā tāngata e whakatairanga ana i te reo Māori i tō rohe.




The Māori Language Awards
Have you heard of Ngā Tohu Reo Māori? This is a special event that celebrates the achievements and contributions of people who have helped promote and preserve te reo Māori.

The awards have been around for the last 20 years, with the first awards being established by Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori in 2003. Ngā Tohu Reo Māori are held every two years and have become a big event within the Māori community.

Ngā Tohu Reo Māori recognise people from all walks of life and celebrates the hard work and dedication of people who are helping revitalise te reo Māori. This includes teachers, broadcasters, musicians, and many others. There are different categories for these awards such as the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Māori Language Week Award.

The last awards were held in 2022 and celebrated 50 years since the Māori language petition was presented to parliament by Hana Te Hemara in 1972. Due to this, amongst the honourees were activist group Ngā Tamatoa, the first iwi radio station, and the first kōhanga reo.
Anyone can nominate or be nominated for these awards, so why not think about people making a difference to te reo Māori in your rohe.

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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