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Ngā Taupānga Reo Māori

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Nō te whanaketanga mai o ngā tūmomo hangarau kua ara mai ngā taupānga hei taputapu whaihua. Ahakoa whakamahia ai mō ngā take whakangahau, mō ngā take mātauranga rānei, he rawe ki ngā tamariki o ēnei rā ngā taupānga me ngā tūmomo hangarau. I ngā tau tata nei, kua waihangatia ētahi taupānga reo Māori hei whakamāmā ake i te taha ako. Anei ētahi tauira hei tirotiro māu, hei whāki atu rānei ki ngā hoa e ngana nei pea ki te whakapakari ake i ō rātou mōhiotanga ki te reo.

Arā tētahi taupānga e kīia nei ko ‘Kupu’, mā tēnei e taea ai te whakamahi tō kāmera hei tohu i ngā momo taputapu kei ō taha. Hei tauira, kua taea e koe te whakaatu te kāmera ki tētahi tēpu, ā, ko tā te taupānga he whakaatu i te kupu “tēpu”.

Ko tētahi atu taupānga rawe ko tētahi e kīia nei ko “Tōku Reo”. Ko tā tēnei taupānga, he whakaako i a koe ki te reo mā te whakamahi i ngā ataata me ngā ngohe pāhekoheko. Ka taea e koe te ako ngā kupu me ngā kīanga, te whakaharatau tō whakahua, te whakamātau hoki tō mōhiotanga mā ngā kēmu.

Ko “Te Whanake” tētahi anō e whakahuihui nei i ngā akoranga, e taea ai e koe te piki ngā taumata o te ako, e āta whakawhanake ana i ō mōhiohio.

Hei whakamutu atu, ko te “Kōrero Māori” tētahi taupānga e aro ana ki ngā whakawhitinga reo, tae rā anō ki ngā kaupapa o ia rā, pērā i te whānau, i te kai, i ngā tūtakinga, me te hoatu hoki i ngā tauira o ngā mōmo whakawhitinga kōrero tērā pea ka kitea i ētahi horopaki.

Ka whakaatu ēnei taupānga i te mīharo o ngā whakapaunga kaha kia māori ai te reo, kia maha ake ai hoki ngā āheinga e wātea ana ki te ako i te reo.

Kei whea mai!


Te Reo Māori Apps

Apps have become a convenient tool as technology has progressed. Whether it be for entertainment or education purposes, kids now days love apps and technology. In recent years, multiple te reo Māori apps have been developed to make learning more accessible. Here are some examples to check out or tell friends about who might be trying to better their te reo knowledge.

There is an app called ‘Kupu’ where you can use your camera to identify objects around you. For example, you could point your camera at a table, and it will tell you that the Māori word is “tēpu”.

Another great app is called “Tōku Reo”. This app teaches you te reo by using videos and interactive activities. You can learn words, phrases, practice pronunciation and test your knowledge with games.

“Te Whanake” is another that houses lessons, where you can work your way through a range of levels of difficulty, gradually building knowledge.

Finally, “Kōrero Māori” is an app that focuses on conversational language. It includes a range of everyday topics such as family, food, introductions and provides examples of conversations you might have in these situations.

These apps show amazing efforts to normalise te reo and create more accessible opportunities for people to learn.

Kei whea mai!

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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