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Me whai wāhi ki Tatauranga 2023!

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Hei te Tūrei, te tuawhitu o Māehe 2023, a Tatauranga 2023 tukua ai. He uiuinga ā-motu te Tatauranga, ā, ka tukua atu i ia rima tau hei kohikohi kōrero kia tautohu ai i te tokomaha o ngā tāngata, tae noa ki ngā tamariki, me te maha o ngā kāinga i Aotearoa nei.

Ka whakamahia ngā pārongo o te tatauranga ā-motu kia whai māramatanga ki ētahi āhuatanga o ō tātou whānau, hapū, iwi puta noa i Aotearoa, kia taea ai e ngā iwi me te kāwanatanga te whakarite ngā kaupapa here me ngā rauemi hei tautoko i tā tātou kauneketanga.

I ākona e Tatauranga Aotearoa ētahi akoranga matua i tā rātau tuku i te tatauranga ā-motu i te tau 2018. Hei tā te Kaiwhakahaere Tuarua o ngā Tatauranga, hei tā Simon Mason, “Kāore i tika tā mātou whakahaere mā te Māori me ngā iwi i te tatauranga o 2018, inarā, ko te taha whakawhiti kōrero mō ngā huarahi e kohia ai ngā raraunga me te āta tautoko i te hunga Māori kia whai wāhi mai rātou ki te kaupapa nei.” Heoi anō, e whakapono ana a Mason ka rerekē te whakahaere i tēnei tau.

Ka aro pū a Tatauranga Aotearoa kia kaha ake te uru mai o te tangata Māori mā te āta whakarite i tētahi paetukutuku reo-rua mō te tatauranga, i ngā pepa uiuinga reo-rua, ā, mā te mahitahi ki ngā rōpū ā-iwi ki te hāpai i ngā whānau kei ō rātou rohe ki te whakakī i ngā pepa o te Tatauranga 2023.

Kua whakamāmāhia ake e Tatauranga Aotearoa te tukanga e oti ai te uiuinga, kia taea ai e ngā whānau te kōwhiri te uiuinga ā-ipurangi, te tono rānei i tētahi uiuinga ā-pepa.
Kia tauria ai tō whānau i te Tatauranga 2023 hei te 7 o Māehe, torohia tēnei paetukutuku



On Tuesday, 7 March 2023, Census 2023 will take place. The Census is a nation-wide survey that happens every five years to identify how many people, including tamariki, and dwellings there are in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Information from the census is used to understand what is happening within our whānau, hapū, iwi, and Aotearoa so that iwi and government can develop policies and initiatives to support our development.

Statistics New Zealand learned valuable lessons from the delivery of the census in 2018. According to the Deputy Chief Executive Census and Collection Operations, Simon Mason, “We did not deliver well enough for Māori and iwi in the 2018 census, including consulting and engaging on how data was collected and how we could have supported Māori to participate.”

However, Mason promised to turn that around this year, saying Statistics NZ are committed towards increasing Māori participation by ensuring a fully bilingual census website, bilingual census forms, and engaging iwi-led groups to help support whānau in their rohe to complete the Census 2023.

Statistics NZ have made it easier than ever to complete the Census survey, ensuring whānau have the choice to complete the survey online or order a paper form to complete and return.
Ensure that your whānau is counted in the Census 2023 on 7 March by visiting

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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