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Iron Māori – He whakahaerenga Māori e ora ai te tangata.

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He kaupapa whakahirahira a Iron Māori e akiaki ana i te hunga rangatahi ki te kori tinana i raro i ngā tikanga a te iwi Māori.

He maha ngā hua ki te mātātahi o te uru mai ki Iron Māori, anei ētahi e rārangi mai nei:

  1. Te Taha Tinana: Ka mau kē te wehi o Iron Māori hei huarahi kori tinana, hei huarahi hauora anō hoki. Ko ngā momo hākinakina ko te oma, te eke paihikara, me te kauhoe, katoa ēnei he mea whakapakari i te tinana me te manawatītī o te tangata. Ki te uru te rangatahi ki te Iron Māori, kāre e kore ka whanake tōna taha reretahi, tōna kaha, me tōna pīngoretanga.
  2. Te Taha Hinengaro: Mā te whai wāhi mai ki Iron Māori e pakari ai te taha hinengaro, ka mutu, ko te kori tinana tētahi huarahi hei whakamauru i te taumahatanga me te hēmanawatanga o te tangata. Waihoki, mā te kori tinana e piki ai te wairua. Nā runga i te mea he wairua hāpai, he wairua whakatenatena tō te kaupapa o Iron Māori ka tipu mai te wairua tūhonohono i waenga i te hunga mātātahi.
  3. Te Mana Māori: Ka whakanuia te ahurea me ngā tikanga Māori e Iron Māori, mā tēnei e tū rangatira ai ngā rangatahi i te ao Māori. Kia uru mai ngā rangatahi ka whai wā rātou ki te ako i ētahi tikanga me ngā kawa, i te mana o te whānau me ētahi āhuatanga o te manaakitanga.
  4. Te Whakarite Whāinga: Ka noho ko Iron Māori hei whāinga mā ngā rangatahi. Mā te whakangungu mō tēnei kaupapa e ako ai rātou i ngā tikanga e pā ana ki te whakatau me te whakatutuki whāinga, ka mutu, ka ako hoki rātou i te hiranga o te manawanui me te manawaroa.

Kei whea mai i tēnei kaupapa mā te hunga mātātahi. He kaupapa e pakari ai te taha tinana, te taha hinengaro, te ahurea me te āhei ki te whakatutuki i tētahi whāinga i raro i ngā tikanga me te ahurea Māori.

Torohia te paetukutuku mō ngā kaupapa ki tua.



Iron Māori – A kaupapa Māori event changing lives.

Iron Māori is a wonderful event that encourages young people to participate in physical activities while promoting the values of the Māori culture.

Iron Māori has many benefits for young people, and here are some of them:

  1. Physical fitness: Iron Māori is a great way to stay active and healthy. It includes running, cycling, and swimming, which can help to improve fitness and endurance. Participating in Iron Māori can also help young people to develop their coordination, strength, and flexibility.
  2. Mental wellbeing: Participating in Iron Māori can have a positive impact on mental health. Exercise has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, and it can also improve mood and self-esteem. The supportive and encouraging environment of Iron Māori can also help young people to feel a sense of belonging and connectedness.
  3. Cultural pride: Iron Māori celebrates Māori culture and values, which can help young people to feel proud of their heritage. By participating in Iron Māori, young people can learn about Māori traditions and customs, as well as the importance of whānau (family) and manaakitanga (hospitality).
  4. Goal setting: Iron Māori provides young people with a goal to work towards. By training for the event, young people can learn about the importance of setting and achieving goals, as well as the value of perseverance and determination.

Iron Māori is a fantastic event for young people to participate in. It promotes physical fitness, mental wellbeing, cultural pride, and goal setting, all while celebrating the values of the Māori culture.

Visit for more information.

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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