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He Tā Anō tō Ngāti Porou

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Kua whakawhiwhia a Tā Herewini Parata, tētahi rangatira o Ngāti Porou, ki te tohu Tā mō tana kaha tautoko i te iwi Māori. I whakanuitia āna mahi e te Rārangi Hōnore a te Kīngi mā te uhi i a ia ki te Te Tohu Tā.
Nōna e tipu ake ana i Ruatōria, i waimarie a Tā Herewini i ōna kuia me ōna pāpā anō i tō rātou kaha ki te whakaputa i ō rātou whakaaro. Nā rātou ia i whakaako ki te whakarongo, ki te mātakitaki, me te mahi. I tautoko ēnei uara i a ia ki te ako me te tipu hei tangata.
Kua 47 tau a Tā Herewini e tautoko ana i te hapori o Ngāti Porou. Ko āna mahi katoa he hāpai i ngā tāngata o Ngāti Porou ki te piri atu ki tō rātou reo, ā rātou tikanga, ō rātou whenua, me ō rātou whānau. Ahakoa āna tini haepapa, ka whai wā tonu ia ki te tautoko i āna mokopuna i roto i ā rātou hākinakina, ā, ko ia hoki te kanohi o te whānau i ngā hui a te hapū.
Ahakoa kua whakanuia a Tā Herewini mō āna kaupapa hei hāpai i te iwi me ngāi Māori, e kaha ana ia ki te kī ake ko Ngāti Porou, ko Te Tairāwhiti, me te ahurea Māori te taunga matua o āna mahi katoa.
He whakamānawa tēnei tohu i tō Tā Herewini Parata titikaha me tana manawanui ki tōna iwi o Ngāti Porou me te hapori Māori whānui. He ranga wairua ia ki a tātou katoa, e whakatinana ana i te āhua o te noho hei pononga ki tētahi kaupapa.


Sir Selwyn Parata, a leader within Ngāti Porou, has been honored with a knighthood for his remarkable service to Māori. The King’s Honours List recognised his contributions by naming him a Knight Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit.
Growing up in Ruatōria, Sir Selwyn was fortunate to have nannies and pāpā who spoke their minds. They taught him to listen, to watch, and to take action. These values helped him to grow and learn.
For the past 47 years, Sir Selwyn has been involved in serving the Ngāti Porou community. He has dedicated himself to connecting the Ngāti Porou people with their language, customs, ancestral lands, and family. Despite his many responsibilities, he always finds time to support his mokopuna (grandchildren) in their sporting events and represents his family at various community gatherings.
Although he has been recognised for his services to iwi and Māori, Sir Selwyn emphasises that his work has always been in service to Ngāti Porou, Te Tairāwhiti, and the rich culture and heritage of Aotearoa (New Zealand).
Sir Selwyn Parata’s knighthood is a testament to his unwavering dedication and commitment to Ngāti Porou and the Māori community. He serves as an inspiration to us all, showing the importance of selfless service.

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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