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He Koha nā te SPCA

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Ka rawe hoki te kaupapa whakamīharo a te SPCA mā ngā tamariki kei ngā kura Māori. E tukuna ana e rātou ngā pukapuka 21,000 kua whakamāoritia ki ngā kura Māori katoa, ka mutu, kāore he utu mō aua pukapuka. Ka tukua anō hoki ngā pukapuka nei ki ngā akomanga, ahakoa te momo kura, mēnā e neke atu ana i te haurua o te akomanga he ākonga Māori.

He kaupapa manaaki te SPCA e āwhina ana i ngā kararehe, e whakaako ana hoki i ngā tāngata ki te manaaki kararehe kia kore ai e tūkinohia. He pono ngā kōrero kei ngā pukapuka e tukuna ana e te SPCA, ā, ka tāngia e tētahi kaitā pukapuka whakahirahira e kīia nei ko Sunshine Books. E hāngai ana ngā kōrero ki ētahi kararehe pēnei i te morihana mokemoke, i tētahi tākapu e raruraru ana, me te wehi o ngā kararehe i ngā pahū ahi. Ka tukuna hoki e te SPCA ētahi rauemi hei whakamahi mā ngā kaiako i te taha o ngā pukapuka i roto i te akomanga.

Hei tā te pou mātauranga o te SPCA, hei tā Nicole Peddie, ehara i te mea ko te whakapakari i ngā pūkenga pānui anake te hua o ēnei pukapuka. Ko te whakaako i a rātou ki te manaaki i ngā kararehe tētahi atu kaupapa matua. I āta tuhia ēnei pukapuka e whaihua ai ki ngā ākonga Māori.

E whakapono ana te SPCA me whakaako rawa tātou i ngā tamariki ki ngā tikanga manaaki kararahe kia mutu ai te tūkino kararehe i roto i ngā tau e heke mai nei. Ko tō rātou tino hiahia, kia wātea ēnei pukapuka mīharo ki ngā tamariki katoa, tae noa atu ki ērā e kuraina ana i roto i ngā kura Māori.



A Gift from the SPCA
The SPCA is doing something really cool for kids in Māori medium kura. They are giving away over 21,000 free books that have been translated into te reo Māori to all kura Māori or classes where at least half of their students are Māori.

The SPCA, is a charity that helps animals and educates people about caring for animals and preventing cruelty. The books, the SPCA are giving away are based on real stories and are made by a special publisher called Sunshine Books. The stories are about different animals, like a lonely goldfish, a gannet in trouble, and another book is about how fireworks can scare animals. The SPCA will also send resources for teachers to use with the books in the classroom.

The SPCA’s education manager, Nicole Peddie, says that the books will not only help tamariki to improve their reading skills but teach them about animal care and welfare. The books were carefully crafted to be useful for Māori learners.

The SPCA believes that teaching kids about animal care and welfare is important to stop cruelty towards animals in the future. They want all tamariki to have access to these special books, including those who are learning in Māori medium schools.

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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