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Encanto – Te Reo Māori

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Kātahi te kōrero mīharo mā te iwi e kaingākau ana ki a Disney! E mahi tahi ana anō a Matewa Media me te Company o Walt Disney kia Māori ai te reo o te kiriata pakiwaituhi o Encanto.
Koinei te kiriata tuarima o Disney ka whakamāoritia, ā, ka whai atu i a Coco, Frozen, Te Kīngi Raiona me Moana.

He pūrākau a Encanto e pā ana ki te whānau Madrigal, e noho ana i tētahi whare tūmatarau kei ngā maunga o Koromōpia. Ko te kaupapa matua o te kiriata ko te whānau me ngā hononga i waenga i ngā whakatupuranga, kāore e kore he kaupapa ka ngākaunuitia e Ngāi Māori.

E kore te whakaaturanga reo Māori e arotahi noa atu ki tētahi reo ā-iwi. Mā ngā pūkenga kaiwhakamāori, mā Pania Papa rāua ko Leon Blake te whakamāoritanga o te kiriata e whakahaere. Ka rawe kē tā rāua whakamāori i a Coco, ā, ināianei kua rite anō rāua ki te whakawana i te kiriata o Encanto.

E rapu ana a Walt Disney Company me Matewa Media i ngā tāngata Māori ahakoa te taumata reo hei hāpai i tēnei kaupapa. Mēnā e rika ana koe, kua tuwhera ngā whakaaturanga kōwhiri ā-ipurangi ināianei! Me tuku tō whakaaturanga kōwhiri i mua i te Rātapu te 23 o Hūrae. Ka mau kē te wehi o tēnei wheako e whai hā ai a Encanto Reo Māori, nō reira karawhiua!


Exciting news for Disney fans! Matewa Media and The Walt Disney Company have joined together again to revoice Encanto, the award-winning animated film, in te reo Māori. This will be the fifth Disney movie to be translated into te reo, following Coco, Frozen, The Lion King, and Moana.

Encanto, tells the story of the Madrigal whānau, who live in a magical house hidden in the mountains of Colombia. The film is all about family and the special connections between different generations, which will surely resonate with Māori culture.

The te reo Māori version of Encanto won’t be limited to a specific dialect. Expert Māori language translators, Pānia Papa and Leon Blake will be in charge of translating the film. They did an amazing job with Coco Reo Māori, and now they’re ready to bring the magic to Encanto.

The Walt Disney Company and Matewa Media are looking for Māori individuals of all language levels to be a part of this project. If you’re interested, online auditions are now open! Make sure to submit your audition before Sunday, July 23rd. This is an incredible opportunity to help bring Encanto Reo Māori to life, so give it a go and submit an audition.

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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